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It can be done. Schah cleared with a full alliance.
Score: 3.67
Votes: 43
Classification User » Ruaumoko
Tags Schah, UranoMetria
Date Submitted 2016-06-01 23:24:03
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Comments (9)
Asura.Sechs[Report] Score: 6
I swear this guy only drops double takoba, sigh...
2016-06-03 02:03:44
Bismarck.Phaded[Report] Score: 3
Regardless of which group has done it first, it is always great to see others are also still doing things 18-man. This is literally the last "hard thing" in the game that can be a challenge to a large group and demands coordination. Congrats on clear and great job to those involved!
2016-06-02 18:07:35
Fenrir.Caiir[Report] Score: -1
welome to the club, ur late
2016-06-02 00:52:24
Asura.Cbbs[Report] Score: -3
18man schah was impressive the first time and it's still impressive now. Great job
2016-06-02 09:52:49
Asura.Lordoftheseven[Report] Score: -4
Let them hate. I'm proud of you guys . Great job UranoMetria !!!
2016-06-02 15:27:48
Fenrir.Kut[Report] Score: -5


it's me
2016-06-02 02:38:24
Odin.Jsmooth[Report] Score: -5
One of the easier helms for our group. Did 18 man back in Feb. Congrats on clearing content and not leaving anyone behind!
2016-06-02 12:22:52
Lakshmi.Konvict Show Score: -14
Why do people do this content. Build a mythic instead
2016-06-03 16:03:06
Fenrir.Jinjo Show Score: -15
Your chat is a disgrace to literacy everywhere
2016-06-02 00:53:31