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Showing a fully-updated cape with augments; you can really get some nice stuff here! Sadly you can only cap two capes per month due to obtainment limitations. :(
Score: 5.56
Votes: 16
Classification Player » Kensagaku
Tags Brigantia's_Mantle Maxed Augments
Date Submitted 2016-04-05 18:50:02
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Comments (4)
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 3
Wardrobe #3 plz
2016-04-06 07:44:40
Shiva.Chikatsu[Report] Score: 0
WS DMG + would likely only be really worthwhile if you were spamming Cammlan's Torment, since DRG's bread and butter these days is Stardiver it seems far less interesting. this is the route I plan to take because it should make gearing a good deal simpler for Ryunohige. the Augment Roulette luck that is needed to get sTP on Valorous pieces is a nightmare.
2016-04-06 11:23:59
Lakshmi.Ryanx[Report] Score: -1
well dam tempted to reactivate for a month to try out new event . a cape like that dam. I personally would have picked WS dmg + instead of stp
2016-04-05 21:13:01
Asura.Sechs[Report] Score: -2
Can swap augments whenever.
Well, uh, maybe there's a cost I dunno, but you can swap stats on them.
2016-04-06 02:09:11