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For anyone who was curious about FFXI on 360 after termination of service. Sorry for phone quality picture. I do not own a capture card.
Score: 8.88
Votes: 57
Classification Player » Oldmancebi
Tags Xbox_360 FFXI
Date Submitted 2016-04-01 11:47:08
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Comments (3)
Quetzalcoatl.Nrsss[Report] Score: 16
Just want to add note to the picture posted above for Xbox360. Once you log into POL, it will download 5 small files, which takes like 2 seconds. POL will restart and show that message posted above.

Once you click on any button, that message will disappear and some pop up about "beta test has ended" comes up. Then it goes to the install menu, and it only gives you the option to "uninstall software" or "exit install menu". You won't be able to see that message again even if you restart POL.

RIP Xbox360 FFXI.
2016-04-01 12:36:30
Leviathan.Jimmyballsack[Report] Score: 7
I remember the dark days, playing on 360. I hope you guys can migrate to PC; you'll find the experience much better.
2016-04-01 14:09:25
Quetzalcoatl.Javarr[Report] Score: 2
I almost want to pull out my old PS2 and see what it does. lol
2016-04-03 07:43:34