It seems that normal melee weapons will go MaccSkill 215->242
Current mage 1h weapons (yagrush, idris, murgleis tizona) have higher MaccSkill at 228 and the staffs have current MaccSkill at 255.
Aeonic club: m.dmg+217 MaccSkill+255
Aeonic staff: m.dmg+279 MaccSkill +269
*note: since Aeonic seem to be melee-driver weapons rather than job function specific it's safe to assume these m.dmg numbers will be the standard for the mage 1 mythics and the staffs.
DMG:163 Delay:233 Attack+60 Sword skill +269 Parrying skill +269 Magic Accuracy skill +242 "Knights of Round" Additional effect: Damage varies with HP
All of them have Magic DMG:186 and the same skill.
Excalibur has ATK+60 (40->60), 163 DMG.
Almace has DEX+40 (20->40), 157 DMG.
Burtgang has Phys Damage Taken II -18%, Enmity+23 (18->23), 175 DMG.
Sequence has 168 DMG.