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Figured some ppl would appreciate seeing this if they haven't yet. From:
Score: 8.16
Votes: 25
Classification Player » Boshi
Date Submitted 2015-11-12 18:13:48
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Comments (6)
Ragnarok.Zeig[Report] Score: 3
43:36 in the video (link is in the image description).
2015-11-12 19:22:21
Carbuncle.Boshi[Report] Score: 1
*the 186 is magic dmg+

It seems that normal melee weapons will go MaccSkill 215->242

Current mage 1h weapons (yagrush, idris, murgleis tizona) have higher MaccSkill at 228 and the staffs have current MaccSkill at 255.

Aeonic club: m.dmg+217 MaccSkill+255
Aeonic staff: m.dmg+279 MaccSkill +269
*note: since Aeonic seem to be melee-driver weapons rather than job function specific it's safe to assume these m.dmg numbers will be the standard for the mage 1 mythics and the staffs.
2015-11-12 21:54:48
Asura.Crevox[Report] Score: 0
Example of difference with Excalibur:

DMG:163 Delay:233 Attack+60 Sword skill +269 Parrying skill +269 Magic Accuracy skill +242 "Knights of Round" Additional effect: Damage varies with HP

All of them have Magic DMG:186 and the same skill.

Excalibur has ATK+60 (40->60), 163 DMG.
Almace has DEX+40 (20->40), 157 DMG.
Burtgang has Phys Damage Taken II -18%, Enmity+23 (18->23), 175 DMG.
Sequence has 168 DMG.
2015-11-13 00:22:24
Lakshmi.Ryanx[Report] Score: 0
i wounder if we have to do another upgrade quest to get these new stats or if they are instantly getting boosted
2015-11-13 03:19:22
Asura.Felgarr[Report] Score: -1
I appreciate a lateral boost to all REMS to match Aeonic weapons.

However, I'm curious to see how SE will "fudge" this boost.

For example, of all the mythics being upgraded from 99 to 119, SMN also got Avatar level +2.

(I'm curious if SE will pick an REM weapon and add a subtle change such as this to one or two of them).
2015-11-12 22:45:11
Bismarck.Laurelli Show Score: -10
So I guess they're not adding blu to Excalibur. This makes me sad.
2015-11-13 08:21:31