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Screenshots » id:77171
Score: 6.64
Votes: 11
Classification Player » Tidis
Date Submitted 2015-09-11 10:13:48
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Comments (5)
Shiva.Cymopoleia[Report] Score: 2
I still ride ships fairly often, mostly the boats rather then the airships.

It's soothing, and a nice ride now that you don't have to worry about being slaughtered by sea horrors... Less your traveling on a low lvl job^^
2015-09-11 13:18:36
Shiva.Chikatsu[Report] Score: 0
I have gotten stuck under the cooking guild a handful of times in my FFXI career. I imagine the decks in Kazham are equally shoddy.
2015-09-11 12:07:24
Cerberus.Avalon[Report] Score: -1
That's hilarious and reminds me of a similar glitch I experienced in West Saruta [S] back in the day. I wish I had kept the screenshot of the GM conversation I had.
2015-09-11 12:49:19
Bahamut.Soraishin[Report] Score: -1
I've fallen through the map in sauromugue champaign , it was exactly like falling out of a call of duty map where you jus fall into darkness and the area shrinks to nothing above you.
2015-09-11 17:46:52
Carbuncle.Conini[Report] Score: -5
I guess you could say Rushanaa was


Bathing with the fishes.
2015-09-11 13:07:54