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why you should always agree to HQ terms before synths
Score: 2.05
Votes: 42
Classification Item » Voodoo Handschuhs
Date Submitted 2015-09-07 13:51:41
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Comments (3)
Leviathan.Comeatmebro[Report] Score: 46
Sure, it sucks to 'give away' an expensive piece, but if they provided mats that piece wouldn't have existed regardless. Performing a synth instead of trading a NQ for the mats is an agreement that there's a possibility for HQ to occur. Your chances of getting a HQ again on your next synth using your own mats haven't been effected in any way.

Saying 'crap' and treating it like a problem reveals a huge lack of class. You should have been happy for him.
2015-09-07 22:03:16
Phoenix.Jessamyn[Report] Score: 9
@Comeatmebro yeah, it was a knee jerk reaction when I saw the animation go off and I should have had more class than to say crap

It's mostly a lesson for myself, and a gentle reminder to clarify synth terms beforehand. I had never done the synth but did mention the HQ was probably worth 40M based on other server pricing

In the end Sirlee and I were comfortable with 3M for the HQ using his materials, he had just come back to the game and that's all the Gil he could spare. And he used it for the abj, didn't resell. Looking objectively, How can I be mad about 3M for a synth tip?
2015-09-08 08:02:16
Bismarck.Bongarippa[Report] Score: 8
Just curious, if you didn't want a hq, why use a coconut rusk? Could've used a macaron to lower your break rate without increasing hq chance.
2015-09-08 11:39:15