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Cleared Eald'narche (N) solo on PLD/WHM without Trust NPC's. I was waiting for Vagary to start and needed something to do. Got bored, and thought I'd try for the Stun-SCH body. The actual fight itself is just long, but not necessarily hard. Considering he died within three seconds of timeout, I'm hesitant to call this an accomplishment at all. Anyway, the key is to shield swap for nukes and to TP fast enough to WS at least once per nuke in the final phase before you shield swap again. Also, despite the appearance, all of his TP moves in the final phase are physical, and their effects are negated by blocking. So Ochain means no petrification, terror, slow, or silence.
Score: 6.62
Votes: 26
Classification Player » Sephiran
Tags PLD solo Eald'narche N Vanir
Date Submitted 2015-06-22 14:10:51
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Comments (4)
Bahamut.Seekerstar[Report] Score: 2
Take a ninja next time; you'll kill it in seven minutes. :P CG though, I know you've spammed this guy.
2015-06-23 12:41:17
Bahamut.Sephiran[Report] Score: 0
It's on my list of things to make. I'd like to cap off DEX and ATK/ACC augments on PLD first though since they have given me more trouble than my SCH augments have. Currently, my focus has been devoted to getting SCH Vagary pieces in addition to finishing up Burtgang. After that, I'll begin working on Tupsimati and refining SCH augments a bit more.

NIN helps kill fast but I find the -aja nukes to be a source of anxiety when I see them pointed towards a NIN. That said, I think--I'm not sure, but I think--he only uses -aja nukes if you linger in killing him once he drops below 25% HP or if he kills another player (similar to Apademak's leveling). I noticed he doesn't immediately switch to -aja nukes below 25%, but once he does switch, I've never seen him switch back or imply that he retains access to his previous Ancient Magic II nukes.
2015-06-23 14:24:28
Bahamut.Tychefm[Report] Score: -1
Just make a Helios Body for stunning :p
2015-06-23 01:38:01
Asura.Hobgoblin[Report] Score: -7
What a achievement you the Best of the Best player now!
2015-06-24 00:12:36