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Screenshots » id:76503
Skormoth Mask, Onca Suit
Score: 6.09
Votes: 22
Classification Player » Icyhot
Date Submitted 2015-05-31 22:08:18
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Comments (12)
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 15
So come back and play it, 12.95 is snack money.
2015-06-01 04:41:09
Asura.Gulgan[Report] Score: 13
***sometimes I miss this game.
Seeing loot lists makes me feel nostalgic, and I still check ffxiah daily.
I don't know why I'm posting this other than *** I just miss this game.
2015-06-01 02:17:37
Odin.Kaeneko[Report] Score: 6
It drops the 7 macc mab belt too.
2015-06-01 01:29:51
Shiva.Aisukage[Report] Score: 4
@Kingnobody i get get a job to 50 and do every dungeon/mission in the game in a week from scratch if i played all day everyday. You can not make a mythic from scratch in that time lets say yoou spam salvage 14x a day that at best would be at best 2k a day so roughly 2 weeks just for the alex part. then the assaults/tags/ichor and mythic isn't the only thing to work on there is all sorts of gear to collect for different sets like cure/pdt/ws/ect. not to mention the awesome story lines to accomplish

XIV has 1 optimal set which is easy to get which i find extremely boring. every update its the same thing also bring out new tombs for the new gear which has a cap of 450 a week i use to cap it on the monday and have nothing to do the rest of the week. You're not even 50 yet so you don't even know so having this debate is irrelevant with you.
2015-06-03 08:13:06
Cerberus.Drayco[Report] Score: 3
@ Kingnobody - Yet here you are... 7 months after your last AH transaction... On a site dedicated to the game you no longer play cause it's boring.
2015-06-01 16:24:28
Valefor.Yoloswag[Report] Score: 3
at least it isn't a d.ring picture
2015-06-01 16:58:48
Shiva.Aisuu[Report] Score: 3
@Kingnobody yeah you started XIV a couple of weeks and don't even have your first level 50 of course you are enjoying XIV cause you have so much to do in it. For a lot of players cause the game has been out quite awhile it takes a few days grinding to get to 50 and once 50 it doesn't take long to get upto Ilvl to do the "End game" content or thats what they call it. Most people have done everything the game has to offer and every time they bring new content out now some are done in 1-2 weeks then have nothing but to grind pointless stuff for the next 3 months till the next update at least there is a lot to do in xi there is nothing to really work towards in XIV apart from coil and relic which doesn't take that long to do.

I have played XIV for the last couple years and yeah it is no where near as good as XI for content or things to keep you busy XIV is beautiful graphic wise but like most mmos now it feels like a copy of WOW with just awesome graphics and amazing story and CGI. Xi
2015-06-02 16:26:34
Shiva.Sonoros[Report] Score: 2
really I had know idea it was boring. from looks of Draylo and my self we keep busy in game getting items we never had before. there's non stop something to do.
2015-06-01 14:37:34
Bismarck.Hsieh[Report] Score: 1
I quit in Dec and looking at these pics make me want to come back.

People just hate for no reason. They can't let go sometimes.
2015-06-02 11:32:20
Bahamut.Puppell[Report] Score: 1
Shiva.Aisukage- your second paragraph was great. FFXIV was/is fun but you run out of things to do quickly. It's a new game so no worries, FFXI is so deep and good right now.
2015-06-04 20:26:21