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Digging through old boxes and found this today!
Score: 4.42
Votes: 31
Classification Player » Natenn
Tags Natenn FFIV
Date Submitted 2015-03-08 13:40:35
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Comments (8)
Asura.Kingnobody[Report] Score: 6
2 really great games, but the load times sucked!
2015-03-08 16:41:03
Shiva.Siviard[Report] Score: 0
I had this as well. The first game I played in the "Chrono" series was actually "Chrono Cross" and I didn't realize it was a sequel until I saw references of Serge & Co.

Then I got my hands on this and played Trigger. All of the previous references on Cross regarding Trigger became totally explained.

Definitely an oldie but a goodie. I have it for my 3DS and still play it from time to time.
2015-03-08 17:14:23
Sylph.Kuwoobie[Report] Score: -1
I just went through all my old games today as well. It's good times. I don't have that one but have FF Anthologies (V and VI).
2015-03-09 00:13:44
Lakshmi.Neboh[Report] Score: -1
I thought it was cool they added the animated scenes to both games. I guess it was their way to reel in more money for re-introducing those games. It worked cuz I bought them. Lol.
2015-03-09 10:55:03
Sylph.Chrisstreb[Report] Score: -1
Best $40 I spent in 2002
2015-03-11 14:03:54
Asura.Myrrh[Report] Score: -2
Chrono Cross was supposed to be a sequel, but it did so badly that Square said that is was no longer canon. It's a decent game however, it's just a raging Poopasaurus Rex in comparison to Trigger.
2015-03-09 18:50:45
Asura.Natenn[Report] Score: -3
i had em all but they got stolen in high school -.-, got em off psn though!
2015-03-09 08:30:00
Bahamut.Pantafernando[Report] Score: -4
2 great games, but SE really was ridiculously lazy with that cover.
2015-03-08 16:27:36