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Screenshots » id:75644
Relic dagger Mandau, RDM, THF, BRD(life size)
Classification Player » Warpy
Tags relic, dagger, mandau
Date Submitted 2014-12-28 13:55:15
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Comments (12)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 10
You will give this to me.


I can't even see it yet due to pending approval BUT I WANT IT.
2014-12-28 15:52:14
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai[Report] Score: 7
If this were made of metal I would genuinely be interested in this

being a chef 'n' all, I can show off my relic chef's knife at work!!
2014-12-28 22:05:23
Asura.Warpy[Report] Score: 6
Mandau relic dagger, pretty plz'd with this.
@Karby, you already have one ;)
@Blaze, this post is not rateable.
@Old, afraid not :(
@Seeker, my username is a nickname of my xbox gamertag 'Warpfactor1'
2014-12-29 10:07:29
Asura.Darvamos[Report] Score: 5
He had to make this one unrateable so that he didn't have all the top 10 spots! Awesome work once again Warps! I'm coming to steal this one.
2014-12-29 10:34:51
Phoenix.Gameesh[Report] Score: 1
This is so fantastic! Can't wait to see more :D
2014-12-29 07:06:48
Leviathan.Zillion[Report] Score: 1
hmm, please let us know if you start doing commissions. been looking for a new crafter since the person that did my ukon went awol
2014-12-29 13:08:49
Bismarck.Ihina[Report] Score: 1
The back doubles as a beer opener.
2014-12-30 06:15:44
Odin.Ophannus[Report] Score: 0
Do a non-gold one! I just realized how similar most relics look :(

Maybe excal or gungnir? Are hese hand carved from wood? Amazing! People would probably pay good money for these lol.
2014-12-28 19:26:26
Odin.Blazeoffury[Report] Score: 0
Keep this up and all top 10 rated pictures of all time are going to be all you.
2014-12-28 20:33:16
Bismarck.Oldmancebi[Report] Score: 0
Seeing all these posts of yours seriously makes me think of one question..

Do you accept commission? Excalibur would be sick :x
2014-12-29 03:02:26