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Screenshots » id:75537
Because the other pic of it was absolutely horrible.
Score: 7.85
Votes: 26
Classification Item » Mythril Bell
Date Submitted 2014-12-12 15:15:27
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Comments (6)
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 9
"A tiny mythril bell"
2014-12-12 18:24:08
Odin.Aloewin[Report] Score: 3
You got my 10 i didn't see another picture though just a blur.
2014-12-12 18:47:21
Bismarck.Anjisnu[Report] Score: 1
oh god ...curse you Anita Ward!
2014-12-12 22:40:12
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: -1
Elvaan: "Come ring my bell..."
2014-12-12 22:29:36
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: -1
I actually had to look at the other photo and dear god, its like that time I turned the graphic settings to minimum once and couldn't even read the name of a dude standing next to me because it was basically 4 pixel blocks.

2014-12-13 00:36:18
Lakshmi.Neboh[Report] Score: -2
Vana'diel's TacoBell!
2014-12-12 18:52:47