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Finally done, 100% bot/hack free. I never thought I'd actually own one. Special thanks to Bechard and Zarlic of Fenrir for their help.
Classification Player » Mefuki
Tags Tizona
Date Submitted 2014-09-24 00:17:09
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Comments (4)
Bismarck.Firedemon[Report] Score: 13
Ya, because there's no difference between earning something and getting it handed to you without effort.

Congrats on your Tizona!
2014-09-24 15:05:54
Bismarck.Bongarippa[Report] Score: 4
I dont know. If I was to take on a mythic weapon, I'd feel a greater sense of accomplishment earning the gil and farming the alexandrite 50-198 a day as opposed to doing an exploit and getting 3000 a day. Grats on your sword, hope you enjoy your hard work :)
2014-09-24 18:59:50
Carbuncle.Bukadan[Report] Score: 0
grats, but i wouldnt keep opening your tales of acquisition with pretentious babble that could very well be said just to make people think you did it legit when you might have done just the opposite. the association and questionable intent for those who dont know you is enough to render a jealous person butthurt for the rest of their lives!
2015-01-04 06:51:47
Lakshmi.Kyosukerob[Report] Score: -1
Shoulda made a <insert bandwagon>.
2014-09-29 12:31:52