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Only +2 Song Augment (assuming +3's are real), but first time I've seen +3% for the Occ. Quickens Spellcasting Augment. Used +1 Snowdim (around 30 stones used) & Leafdim (3 stones used) Stones.
Score: 5.95
Votes: 20
Classification Item » Linos
Tags Linos
Date Submitted 2014-09-18 05:28:49
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Comments (4)
Lakshmi.Kingofbastok[Report] Score: 4
Yeah, I used +1 stones that I got from the red mog pell for both of the augments. I'm too cheap/poor to use +2 stones atm. This is my alt btw.
2014-09-19 18:12:20
Asura.Dakenx[Report] Score: 3
Congrats, should be top augment despite people thinking +3 is real, this event has been out for a bit now and no proof. I'm very sure +3 songs isn't possible until a legit person can post and say come /check me on game. Then I will admit I'm wrong but until then I will keep challenging someone to post that augment with a name and the ability to be checked on game.
2014-09-18 22:24:01
Bismarck.Stephenjd[Report] Score: 2
You used +1's to get the +2 song augment?
2014-09-19 09:34:14
Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee[Report] Score: 0
i was under the impression that you need to use snowdim stones+2 for a chance at the songs+3. my own luck is abyssmal on it. seems i blew all my luck on MAB and double attack
2014-09-19 16:21:54