For those who are wondering,it's not fake. This was obtained during the Campaign Festa event from the Campaign Ops Splitting Heirs within Sand'Oria
@Draylo Believe what you want honestly. I've not done Dynamis since Haku nerf and not really got a reason to build another Relic considering I play RDM BLU PLD BLM.
Just let be known that I've never used Photoshop nor would I post a screenshot that's completely false.
That's not to say I'm annoyed at you or anything. I would also give you a non-cropped version, but I just hit Print Screen and cropped it.
Also Dhann just submitted a screenshot of him receiving a 10,000 Byne Bill from the Bastok equivalent to Splitting Heirs, so there's not really any need to question it :x
...and Clipper? I'm not that terrible at this game nor want to look like a GM :/