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Screenshots » id:74805
Score: 6.18
Votes: 49
Classification Item » Linos
Date Submitted 2014-08-16 21:33:14
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Comments (10)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 15
Well im convinced now.

Here people are getting Relic-Tier instruments with their stones and I'm all like "Hey I got Fast Cast +3 on my gun!"
2014-08-16 22:14:33
Odin.Calipso[Report] Score: 5
Guys, this is seriously a good thing. This + Terpander is going to make brd a much more accessible job for the average person. If you've made a horn, you still have the best Instrument available + the option of having upgrades in the future, not to mention the accomplishment of having made a relic.
2014-08-17 01:05:54
Bahamut.Slytribal[Report] Score: 1
Still don't get why the poster is hiding, and not letting others on the server check to see it for themselves. This could still be a fixed picture, not impossible to fake these either
2014-08-17 10:23:55
Bahamut.Lunk[Report] Score: 0
It may be 4song, still lacking +skills!
2014-08-16 23:46:04
Sylph.Wonderangel[Report] Score: -1
This should be on Leviathan Server.
I see only a Mimigar active in all server.

Leviathan's ppl let's take screenshot around u!
2014-08-28 06:43:12
Asura.Sechs[Report] Score: -2
I'm more convinced this to be real now, but I still find it strange that nobody else posted a message like "Yes I obtained this with number X stones of type Z" or "here is a pic of mine" or "here is a pic of random guy called XXX I met on the server who has it". We keep on getting these pics without any message or explanation... it's not that I doubt this can't be possible, but it still, dunno, kinda feels unusual to me let's say.

Well, an additional option is obviously welcome, but I'm not sure how more "accessible" this will make BRD, judging by the amount of these harps around it might actually be faster/cheaper to just build a horn. That's of course if you meant the +4 total augment. If you were talking about the +3 total it's a different story and I agree with you. But either way, completely different league than Terpander in terms of "accessibility for new bards".
2014-08-18 05:20:29
Lakshmi.Kyosukerob[Report] Score: -5
Oh snaps check it out, Daihanshi Habaki!!!
2014-08-25 22:25:29
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: -8
@Karbuncle: At least that's better than Repair potency on an axe...
2014-08-17 00:56:31
Shiva.Apocalus Show Score: -10
If you're going to potentially spend 100m on stones to get this upgrade, sure, good deal.

But I think If I were a G.horn bard, I'd be mega pissed. This is as bad as getting a MDT--50% II augment on a skirmish shield.
2014-08-16 22:20:44
Cerberus.Halticus Show Score: -22
Halticus stares at submitted screenshot.
Halticus' staring skill rises 0.5 points.
Halticus learns the ability "Tilted Neck"!
2014-08-17 01:21:15