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Screenshots » id:74581
Score: 5.62
Votes: 34
Classification Player » Ramzus
Tags ext attohwa chasm date big spoon
Date Submitted 2014-07-21 04:04:15
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Comments (6)
Fenrir.Magi[Report] Score: 5
A little back story to Ext: He's one of those JPs who take it very seriously if you examine him, especially if you're a non JP. He'll spam multiple counter /check on you if do it while he's present. My favorite part of this guy is that he'll hunt you down to get those /checks... so unless you hide in your mog house, he's going to waste his time hunting you down. This is coming from a guy who hunts Sandworm for sport lol
2014-07-21 15:17:39
Bismarck.Ramzus[Report] Score: 1
more backstory: the japanese players of fenrir love to absolutely talk ***about everyone on the server (whether they be NA or JP) anonymously on 2ch. Ext happens to be one of them cause he sent me a tell word for word of one of the posts, so now i'm directing my free time towards him.
2014-07-21 19:44:37
Asura.Felgarr[Report] Score: -2
bom chicka wow-ow.
2014-07-21 20:02:23
Fenrir.Ramzus[Report] Score: -3
very あいしてる ext-san lmfao
2014-07-21 05:23:48
Fenrir.Jinjo[Report] Score: -4
The perfect couple :) とてもかわいい
2014-07-21 05:22:25
Fenrir.Pandum[Report] Score: -5
2014-07-21 08:01:50