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Screenshots » id:74358
I wonder if Square got any ideas for BST AF anywhere...
Score: 2.59
Votes: 32
Classification Player » Aaliana
Date Submitted 2014-06-19 05:04:02
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Comments (4)
Asura.Kingnobody[Report] Score: 10
Somebody obviously has never played a Final Fantasy game prior to 7.
2014-06-19 08:36:11
Shiva.Cziella[Report] Score: 1
The front character looks like a cross between Kyu Kusanagi/Terry Bogard KOF95'ed. I know it's the same company (back then) and probably same artist, but the similarities man!
2014-06-19 08:52:03
Shiva.Chikatsu[Report] Score: 1
Mutation Nation pre-dates Final Fantasy V and its creation of Beastmaster's armor design by a solid year.

having said that, the character in question is wearing bone/skeletal themed armor (complete with ankhs on the pauldrons and a large bird skull on the chest) and the only real similarity to FFXI's BST AF/Relic armor are the ram horns.
2014-06-19 16:53:13
Bismarck.Misao[Report] Score: 0
because SNK/SE invented animal head helmets/hats
2014-06-19 22:31:21