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Screenshots » id:74072
worst AA drop ever.
Score: 3.80
Votes: 30
Classification Player » Taberifx
Tags #jezz #bad luck
Date Submitted 2014-04-13 10:37:24
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Comments (11)
Odin.Jassik[Report] Score: 10
If it dies unclaimed from DoT there will be no loot pool, but I'm surprised you got personal drops.
2014-04-13 17:58:54
Phoenix.Malapoot[Report] Score: 2
Mustve died to FoeReq, ive seen this before.
2014-04-13 18:53:04
Asura.Lilliy[Report] Score: 1
2014-04-13 16:57:00
Shiva.Elensar[Report] Score: 1
That's really shitty... I know if something dies unclaimed from dot you get no pool but come on SE this is a BCNM... sort it out...
2014-04-13 19:50:20
Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx[Report] Score: 1
did not die unclaimed to my memory
2014-04-13 23:35:15
Siren.Stunx[Report] Score: 1
when a mob loses hate on everyone it still stays red for a few seconds, i assume due to lag. it can die in that time frame.
2014-04-17 13:34:34
Asura.Marila[Report] Score: 0
I know what happened seems you had a leech, TH -100 effect!!! Next time kick MissMari!!! ;p
2014-05-02 17:16:27
Shiva.Sleih[Report] Score: -1
Was this VE, or easy? That would possibly explain it.
2014-04-14 02:25:35
Bahamut.Aena[Report] Score: -1
Very Easy sometimes drops nothing.
2014-04-14 12:35:50
Quetzalcoatl.Jezz[Report] Score: -5
Worst TH ever. Thanks for breaking TT Tab.
2014-04-13 17:29:10