It sure does, 2 in fact. The Pen Polearm Escritorio and the Camera Gun Decazoom MK-XI. They are mainly for fun though lol, as i've been going around on SMN/COR boosting my avatar's attack with Beast Roll and Light Shotting some adoulin mobs :P
It's a collection of all the Vana'diel Tribunes they published which can be found on ffxiwiki, all in one big 320 page book, even some adoulin stuff in there but I won't spoil it for you :P
I got mine yesterday, love the 2 in-game items I got with it (the code is inside the back of the book in a sealed envelope page you cut open).
If you aren't good at reading Japanese, there's a good amount of small concept art/screenshots throughout the 607 pages of thebook.
Its basically a History book collection of all the tribune articles printed since 2002, word for word with all the pics that accompanied each article.
The quality of the last 25% of the book is better, it being full color instead of greyscale-sepia toned like the first bit which is a bit weird, but I still feel like I got my money's worth.