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Screenshots » id:73780
Score: 5.72
Votes: 25
Classification Player » Oxt
Date Submitted 2014-03-05 14:53:55
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Comments (5)
Siren.Novadragon[Report] Score: 7
The 7th Nakuul.
2014-03-05 17:45:13
Shiva.Gib[Report] Score: 5
he kinda looks like Flacor's leaner cousin
2014-03-05 18:51:36
Cerberus.Cruxus[Report] Score: 2
May be 7th, but what about that giant black salamander on original SoA art
2014-03-05 18:59:43
Bahamut.Blze[Report] Score: 2
could be call nova dragon if they split shinryu's other names. but also resembles ffIX Ginryuu aka silver dragon.ill go with Ginryuu!
2014-03-06 00:14:16
Valefor.Mattyc[Report] Score: -1
@Cruxus there is a pattern for the Naak's if you look at the art on the map, there is someone fighting all the actual Naak's the only one that isn't is the dragon, but the airship is flying into it, assuming that is directing either A) a gigantic airship battle "which would be AWESOME" or B) airship to the new area where he is at. probably B, but w/e lol, also like i have mentioned to others if you look at bottom corner of the map, there is an eerie looking skull "Hades" is my bet kinda thought that since the map was made, but we'll see!
2014-03-06 09:55:17