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Screenshots » id:73139
I just happend to see this guy Tiamat and he left me a present 1/1
Score: 3.05
Votes: 40
Classification Player » Onvasquez
Tags Herald's Gaiters, Red Mage FTW
Date Submitted 2013-12-14 13:31:26
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Comments (5)
Cerberus.Anjisnu[Report] Score: 1
i'm thinkin hes excited that he beat the claim bots
2013-12-17 00:58:42
Bismarck.Vespertaru[Report] Score: -1
Your server thanks you for the ToD
2013-12-14 21:55:56
Asura.Draus[Report] Score: -1
But who will train the adds?
2013-12-15 09:08:29
Cerberus.Conagh[Report] Score: -3
Grats dude
2013-12-14 18:26:06
Asura.Lecreuset Show Score: -11
Doing something Naten pretty much solo/duoed for the past god-knows-how long with countless pairs of gaiters...

With that many people with you I fail to see how there is any FTW for your RDM here.

The only real "accomplishment" here is the fact your score for this picture is higher than a two.

You know, the amount of people it should take at most to kill this thing.
2013-12-15 07:36:52