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Then again.. maybe its not a new thing '
Score: 2.13
Votes: 8
Classification Player » Godofgods
Tags Pet food Alpha
Date Submitted 2013-11-05 15:56:04
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Comments (5)
Asura.Wordspoken[Report] Score: 2
This has been going on for a while with many other items as well. "money laundring" or something. /shrug
2013-11-05 16:04:26
Alexander.Carrelo[Report] Score: 2
This is one of the ways that RMT move their money around. Been going on since the update that put caps on the amount of gil that can be sent through the delivery system. :]
2013-11-05 16:32:46
Fenrir.Camiie[Report] Score: 2
Nothing to see here, Citizen. Please move along.
2013-11-05 17:08:50
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: -3
Those names. All i can think of is...


Vehuhgfvypyhave Kajnbuhgcsiihuh
2013-11-06 21:33:17
Bismarck.Hattie[Report] Score: -7
Odin is known 4 RMT gil selling get use 2 it :)ppl sell accounts this is a way 2 launder their gil, they put item up 4 sale tell you buy 4 the amount you are will 2 buy their gil 4 this has been happening for about 6 years lol it happens on all servers more on Odin lol
2013-11-05 16:42:27