This is a long-time personal goal of mine, but I have finally completed FFXI according to X360. And yeah, yeah. I know. Abyssea. 99 cap vs 75 content. Bleep bloop, bleep bloop. But I've been working on XI for 8 years so proud of this. Got to experience this game with a lot of people and had fun doing so. Glad I can finish up with a bang and finish most of the content SE gave us. for those want to see the list. Or those who play on 360 and was wondering why things weren't popping up.
@Erlayn Thank you. It was. Completing the 50 assaults and getting the highest ranking ribbon in campaign are still time consuming. But I had a great time with the wife. ^^
i am happy to see i'm not the only one who cares about this :)
but when i got big into achievements i had almost everything ready to be pop'd but a few jobs, chocobo (had to re-do another one), and i had to bribe people to play ballista with me to get first place XD but i guess you could say it took 6 years to 1250/1250 for me! but now can be done in <4 months, congratulations nonetheless