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This is a long-time personal goal of mine, but I have finally completed FFXI according to X360. And yeah, yeah. I know. Abyssea. 99 cap vs 75 content. Bleep bloop, bleep bloop. But I've been working on XI for 8 years so proud of this. Got to experience this game with a lot of people and had fun doing so. Glad I can finish up with a bang and finish most of the content SE gave us.
Score: 8.23
Votes: 84
Classification Player » Zekky
Tags friends, accomplishment, good times
Date Submitted 2013-10-06 03:05:28
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Comments (5)
Asura.Zekky[Report] Score: 0 for those want to see the list. Or those who play on 360 and was wondering why things weren't popping up.

@Erlayn Thank you. It was. Completing the 50 assaults and getting the highest ranking ribbon in campaign are still time consuming. But I had a great time with the wife. ^^
2013-10-06 16:32:29
Bismarck.Greatbob[Report] Score: -1
I need the gold ballistar one... /cry
2013-10-06 23:41:25
Odin.Erlayn[Report] Score: -1
Awesome job. I know getting all achievements is a huge goal for some and is an amazing sense off accomplishment.
2013-10-06 09:50:35
Asura.Tot[Report] Score: -1
i am happy to see i'm not the only one who cares about this :)

but when i got big into achievements i had almost everything ready to be pop'd but a few jobs, chocobo (had to re-do another one), and i had to bribe people to play ballista with me to get first place XD but i guess you could say it took 6 years to 1250/1250 for me! but now can be done in <4 months, congratulations nonetheless
2013-10-06 17:14:19
Phoenix.Michiiru[Report] Score: -2
Way to kick some butt Zekky, congrats ^^
2013-10-07 08:06:19