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I thought the other illustration wouldn't be compleat without the other part of the duo. So here it is :3.
Score: 8.77
Votes: 56
Classification Player » Cleia
Date Submitted 2013-09-18 17:24:04
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Comments (9)
Carbuncle.Jashin[Report] Score: 11
Your artwork is very good! I like your drawing style ( ^-^)b
2013-09-18 17:55:15
Shiva.Jirachi[Report] Score: 7
@Morier They're not a native English speaker, they live in France.

Nice artwork I'd like to see them together ^^
2013-09-20 16:05:11
Cerberus.Vanderbilt[Report] Score: 5
Clean work.
2013-09-19 01:55:35
Leviathan.Cleia[Report] Score: 5
Morier : french + late in the night, you have no idea how the mess they can do with words D: (but it's not an excuse, i'm apologize for my awkward english)

Jashin : thank you very much ^^!

Vanderbitlt : it's because you don't see the closeup, such a mess...thanks ! ^^

Jirachi, thank you ! i posted the duo there with some wip/close up, but i feel kinda bad about spamming FFXIAH with drawing, so wont post it there D:

thanks a lot again .<. !
2013-09-19 03:20:20
Fenrir.Boomslang[Report] Score: 5
This is pretty killer.
2013-09-20 09:14:16
Shiva.Closinglink[Report] Score: 4
Just because someone lives in America doesn't mean they speak english natively, and even if they do people make mistakes sometimes, its like like he typed a paragraph using "Their their their their"
He just used a single sentence.
You're just trying to get Random +1 points for what ever pride it gives you, so I gave you a -1.

You and Morier both must not understand people make freaking mistakes now and then, clearly you both think you're the perfect ones.
Welcome to reality, you're not.
2013-09-20 16:10:36
Ragnarok.Princessrin[Report] Score: 1
drawing style is super cute, i love the black and white.
Expression on the scholar is pretty cool too :3
goodjob. (:
2013-09-21 00:39:01
Ragnarok.Maninii Show Score: -10
Funny that Jirachi is a native English speaker but can't get their and they're right.
2013-09-20 05:18:27
Phoenix.Morier Show Score: -24
2013-09-18 18:13:56