Morier : french + late in the night, you have no idea how the mess they can do with words D: (but it's not an excuse, i'm apologize for my awkward english)
Jashin : thank you very much ^^!
Vanderbitlt : it's because you don't see the closeup, such a mess...thanks ! ^^
Jirachi, thank you ! i posted the duo there with some wip/close up, but i feel kinda bad about spamming FFXIAH with drawing, so wont post it there D:
Just because someone lives in America doesn't mean they speak english natively, and even if they do people make mistakes sometimes, its like like he typed a paragraph using "Their their their their"
He just used a single sentence.
You're just trying to get Random +1 points for what ever pride it gives you, so I gave you a -1.
You and Morier both must not understand people make freaking mistakes now and then, clearly you both think you're the perfect ones.
Welcome to reality, you're not.