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Being the size of a potato chip bag, the Yagudo High Priest never even noticed me!
Score: 7.74
Votes: 87
Classification Player » Berrychu
Tags Metal Gear Taru
Date Submitted 2013-08-26 18:41:07
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Comments (7)
Asura.Aomrep[Report] Score: 19
Is that the bat signal in there.
2013-08-26 23:29:10
Phoenix.Berrychu[Report] Score: 14
Thank you very much! :)
I was not nearly strong enough to fight my way through the high level beastmen in these areas so I had to use sneak and invisible the whole time. I felt like a secret agent! >=3
2013-08-27 09:36:08
Asura.Stryger[Report] Score: 8
Liked Metal Gear Taru 3: Crawler Eater the most.
2013-08-27 02:29:59
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl[Report] Score: 5
Warp animation right there looks like a mouth

can't unsee
2013-08-28 02:13:36
Phoenix.Gameesh[Report] Score: 2
I still think it's mean of SE to put that NM near the ??? for G3 -.-; Oh well, you'll practice some good sneak/invisible skills, which you're gonna need a lot for the rest of the game.
2013-08-28 03:09:23
Siren.Novadragon[Report] Score: -3
There is only Metal Gear Taru, when you have a Cardboard Box.
2013-08-26 23:53:28
Bismarck.Ariyon[Report] Score: -7
The size of a potato chip bag, and just as full of air as one too!
2013-08-26 21:44:48