Final resting place of main and alt. Fire Protocrystal seemed fitting as i was originally from ifrit smn was my first job and ifrit was my first big avatar. It been a fun ride to all those from ifrit and odin had an epic time with you all, goodbye everyone.
A person leaving and immediately people link it to FFXIV's release? Good grief folks people leave for w/e the hell they want. This guy just felt posting a pic of his char's last place, get over it and say goodbye.
People need to realize that every year that passes FFXI has a harder and harder time keeping its player base happy simply because of more modern games coming out for console/pc. It isn't just FFXIV thats competing for their interest, there's lots of great new games.
One thing XI always had was longevity in completing goals. Once you step away though and decide to focus your XI powers of attrition, you'll find how successful you can be at other games! I think that this is an awesome way to go out as it is very personal and isn't the old /toss everything /delete account.