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Screenshots » id:71883
Beware lord of fire, I'm wearing my pretty hat.
Score: 5.71
Votes: 42
Classification Player » Galith
Date Submitted 2013-07-09 15:51:59
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Comments (3)
Asura.Rekin[Report] Score: 20
Ifrit looks more like he is looking at the audience and saying "This is the sh*t I have to put up folks."
2013-07-09 20:55:19
Lakshmi.Galith[Report] Score: 4
This was all done with the duty finder, most Ifrit fights start off with the new people asking questions. I on the other hand asked which of my pretty hats they wanted me to wear. I should have taken a better picture, and I apologize, because the other side of the hat has a rather splendid looking flower.
2013-07-09 23:05:16
Asura.Miips[Report] Score: 1
Cool screenshot
2013-07-10 18:11:02