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Screenshots » id:71534
Score: 4.21
Votes: 14
Classification Player » Mizuharu
Tags "Handsome Stranger" >_>
Date Submitted 2013-06-15 12:09:00
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Comments (4)
Siren.Spryte[Report] Score: 4
That stranger....he's....he' handsome
2013-06-15 22:07:29
Bismarck.Helel[Report] Score: 0
Actual gameplay = doing events. Leveling is always going to be tedious and boring. FFXI made it easier so you could enjoy endgame faster.
2013-06-16 13:58:31
Shiva.Paulu[Report] Score: -1
BLANGA!? XIV must be Abyssea after you saved it... after Bahamut destroyed it...
2013-06-15 20:18:00
Bahamut.Mizuharu[Report] Score: -3
Nah, there's no hours of standing in one alliance killing anything that moves while have a leech or two /item "forbidden key" <t>'ing every rectangular shaped object. Rather, there's just hours of questing along with a Hunter's Log to complete for bonus exp. And killing the odd aggro here and there while you're on the way to raid a dungeon with a group of people.

You know, actual gameplay.
2013-06-15 21:57:20