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Screenshots » id:71381
i thought dmg was capped at 99,999
Score: 1.23
Votes: 39
Classification Player » Hermaeus
Date Submitted 2013-06-03 02:34:02
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Comments (4)
Shiva.Thunderstorm[Report] Score: 10
What the picture indicates is that the 4 hits during the attack round from Hermaeus totaled 100,864 damage, not that he did 100,864 damage in a single hit. This is why the number is higher than the 99,999 cap.
2013-06-03 17:54:11
Carbuncle.Chibiclone[Report] Score: -3
I'd be willing to bet that whatever mods you're using to drastically change your chat display is able to read and output the actual damage and bypass the official 99,999 display cap.

But who cares?
2013-06-03 15:35:25
Bismarck.Hsieh[Report] Score: -7
Some people are just too reliant on add-ons.
2013-06-03 19:01:37
Siren.Hermaeus[Report] Score: -9
now i know its the whole formless strikes thing but i honestly though that due to code restrictions or w/e that cap dmg displayed in log wasa 99,999!?
2013-06-03 02:35:20