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stupid american!
Score: 1.43
Votes: 42
Classification Player » Ruball
Date Submitted 2013-06-01 19:23:39
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Comments (12)
Fenrir.Flamm[Report] Score: 15
How can you read with this background?
2013-06-02 23:18:43
Phoenix.Coldcheese[Report] Score: 6
I think ruball is referring to himself as the "Stupid American" because 9 times out of 10 that's how the NA players are treated by JP players lol
2013-06-02 23:04:56
Lakshmi.Watusa[Report] Score: 3
What the *** am I even reading.
2013-06-02 22:19:08
Asura.Hikikomori[Report] Score: 3
Common Courtesy 「Do you need it?」
2013-06-03 00:04:28
Sylph.Xxkinetix[Report] Score: 3
This SS should've been kept to yourself
2013-06-03 01:43:50
Cerberus.Leoxtribal[Report] Score: 0
Someone will soon be finding out how karma is a b****
2013-06-03 00:12:22
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard[Report] Score: -1
so confused. poster says stupid american. click his name...
he's american.
2013-06-02 21:18:27
Carbuncle.Valflux[Report] Score: -1
What makes you think the guy is even American..? It seems apparent to me that English is not his first language, and it's very difficult to function in the US without speaking English...
2013-06-02 21:16:15
Alexander.Borrito[Report] Score: -2
I don't see how this has anything to do with the fact that he is American. It makes me think less of you for saything that. I don't care where you are from, stupid is stupid. Maybe take a look at the top companies in the world, where they were founded, and what nationality the founder is. I'm sure some are not Americans, but most are so....
2013-06-02 21:10:16
Valefor.Mattyc[Report] Score: -2
so racism is supposed to be funny? gotcha.
2013-06-03 13:38:32