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Finally finished this thanks to some 10K plasm runs. Thanks all.
Score: 6.00
Votes: 32
Classification Player » Wardeniii
Date Submitted 2013-05-16 20:36:24
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Comments (6)
Sylph.Decimus[Report] Score: 8
We kill 4 nm's (eft/mata/raptor/peiste) in Morimar + trash mobs for 10k+
2013-05-17 12:45:27
Sylph.Strudl[Report] Score: 8
Could have told me you were taking an SS! I'd have put my subligar on >:(
2013-05-17 15:32:44
Leviathan.Blackwhirlwind[Report] Score: 6
Yes, Do tell ive only peaked at 6k, and thats a well put together PuG run with no screw ups, Pld can hold Scorp, Chapuli, and Butterlies without dying for a maxium of 20min.
2013-05-17 12:09:33
Caitsith.Pebe[Report] Score: 2
Just curious, what is your strat for getting 10k plasm runs? I rarely hit 7k in PuGs I shout for. I know they are pick up groups soo I shouldn't expect perfection. Just wondering if there is something I'm missing except for kill all the things faster!
2013-05-17 11:43:49
Sylph.Wardeniii[Report] Score: -1
What Dec said. Two parties of DDx3, COR, WHM, BRD (One of these bards is always a 4 song, often two 4 song bards). Third PT is summoners, RDM or SCH, and a PLD. PLD + RDM holds the adamantoise in a safe corner after other 4 NM's are killed to keep it out of our way while we farm. Bards use troub/night to swap/buff both DD pt's so we always have 6-8 songs.

@Mirvana: This helm beats Yaoyotl for drakes/stardiver, and I imagine the same could be said for any WS that doesn't use a VIT mod.
2013-05-18 13:34:01
Sylph.Mirvana[Report] Score: -2
Shame this will likely just get chucked when y'all get a Yaoyotl Helm to drop. Still, Dat Helm B{
2013-05-18 01:40:11