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Thank you Steelers tremendously helping me with loan. Couldn't do it without them.
Score: 5.80
Votes: 44
Classification Player » Syzen
Tags Another Ragnarok
Date Submitted 2013-05-11 20:13:00
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Comments (7)
Cerberus.Detzu[Report] Score: 16
SE has already said they will upgrade relics empys mythics.
2013-05-12 04:46:49
Lakshmi.Trunksc[Report] Score: 9

Funny how people feel need to sneak their political discourse in everywhere they can.
2013-05-12 11:27:42
Bismarck.Hsieh[Report] Score: 2
lol says the person with no relic weapons and 4 empryeans.
2013-05-12 17:34:09
Ragnarok.Eriina[Report] Score: 2
Incidentally, SE has already announced they are upgrading Obama as well. So, no complaints all around I guess huh guys? gg
2013-05-12 19:48:16
Sylph.Staleyx[Report] Score: -6
Congratz on weapon. Samunai jump off a cliff k thx
2013-05-12 08:26:19
Bahamut.Samunai Show Score: -39
congrats for continuing after knowing your weapon has become lolrelic! I hope SQEX thinks of a good way to solve that damn issue! 10/10 and kudos for keeping fate =)
2013-05-12 04:04:29
Cerberus.Neojuggernaut Show Score: -39
@ Samunai

You know who you sound like? The retard loser Americans that voted for Obama because finally it wasn't a white guy...

Congratulations Syzen on an amazing weapon that is going to stay amazing! :)
2013-05-12 05:45:59