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Damn hasteaholics...
Score: 5.63
Votes: 80
Classification Player » Tsukime
Date Submitted 2013-05-06 20:08:04
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Comments (7)
Bismarck.Punchus[Report] Score: 30
I laugh at the people who leave serious comments on posts like this. While the humor isn't all that good it is intended to be funny or to troll individuals lacking the vision to see it.
2013-05-07 08:38:46
Sylph.Kuwoobie[Report] Score: 5
Its because their parents ignored them as children.
2013-05-07 13:36:48
Shiva.Cybermario[Report] Score: 3
lol, good one :P
2013-05-07 12:46:41
Lakshmi.Watusa[Report] Score: 1
Damn look at Xindarti sticking it to the man. You sure showed him bro.
2013-05-07 14:10:09
Bahamut.Oakozric[Report] Score: 1
I'd cut Golem's finger off for it.
2013-05-08 19:25:08
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl[Report] Score: 0
My haste-ious...!
2013-05-07 15:43:49
Ramuh.Xindarti Show Score: -88
Yeah, screw those:
-DDs for wanting to get in 15% more attacks leading to faster WS rates, leading to more efficient killing.

-Casters for wanting shorter recast times so they can be more effective in their roles leading to faster kills and more efficient killing.

If you pick a job that has enhancing magic and you don't use it... I hear that BST makes a good soloer.

Rant finished... lets see how negative this comments rating goes.
2013-05-07 05:55:02