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Lol i so want one :( <3
Classification Player » Octalfox
Tags Adorable Cute Hedgehog
Date Submitted 2013-04-22 13:30:54
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Comments (3)
Cerberus.Tzaellia[Report] Score: 12
Hedgehogs are great pets. I had one for 4yrs. If you can get one that's young, you can literally teach it like a dog. Spend a good deal with it when it's young so that it learns your scent. Mind was toilet trained (he had a home made litter box) and when I came home and opened my door he would run to my feet asking to be picked up. Good times.
2013-04-22 21:18:22
Bahamut.Fulgrim[Report] Score: 3
@ Cerberus.Tzaellia

101% Agree, we had one for 3 years, and he too does exactly this. Super cute as well :D
2013-04-23 05:04:25
Sylph.Hitetsu[Report] Score: 2
Looks like my old hedgehog :D!

African white-fronted pygmy, socute!

Ours lived in a huge tank, but he came out for "walks" every day.
2013-04-23 02:51:52