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whats better than 1 excalibur... TWO
Score: 4.46
Votes: 26
Classification Player » Hatekhaos
Date Submitted 2013-04-18 23:46:03
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Comments (7)
Odin.Blazeoffury[Report] Score: 2
I know! Excalibur + k club! ._.
2013-04-20 00:00:57
Leviathan.Gorudon[Report] Score: 1
someone needs to lvl their subjob a bit more XD
2013-04-20 19:04:17
Shiva.Jirachi[Report] Score: -1
If it was real any weapon that goes through the trials has an (AUG) tag on it. even if it doesn't have an augment on it, it still gets the (AUG) tag.
2013-04-20 18:39:37
Ragnarok.Sekundes[Report] Score: -1
A Caliburn? Are you working on a third? Also... level your sub.
2013-04-20 00:11:45
Odin.Jurant[Report] Score: -1
Zohnax its testserver not dedication :)
2013-04-20 00:16:42
Cerberus.Hatekhaos[Report] Score: -2
Thank you. thank you..
Sounds like there are some haters though lol.
and let the ratedown begin
2013-04-20 08:16:25
Ragnarok.Zohnax[Report] Score: -3
Did not know this was even possible. >_> Nice dedication though.
2013-04-19 23:23:27