I don't hate 9mm like most 45 owners but I do HATE this pistol for a lot of reasons. My brother owns one and we both HATE the SUPER LONG trigger pull. When you look at how far away the trigger is from the back of the frame you can even see the distance of trigger pull. If it were a revolver id understand but that kind of trigger pull on an auto is GARBAGE. The trigger pull is even worse when the hammer is down and your trying to fire the first round using the double action feature. >_< The gun shoots like garbage in almost every aspect but when your only paying $300-400 for the gun what do you expect? You get what you pay for IMO. As long as they keep it as a Hollywood movie prop they are using it for its best purpose, not shooting real bullets. If you’re looking for a nice 9MM auto save a little more and buy a Springfield XD, Smith and Wesson M&P, or even a Glock 19.
I'm with Jibb, Ruger semi auto's are very meh, my friends p95 is garbage. The only thing they have going for them is that they go bang every time. Their revolvers are much nicer though, when firing single action only.