after how many times asking for help with blue procs? and frustrating TH10 with no luck solo i finally got it....yes i know i'm long overdue and probably gonna get trolled for it, but all i gotta say is thank fucking god its over lmfao....
A goal is a goal, grats. Everyone has their own goals. Shinryu has always been a jackass on dropping Twilight Mail. Spending millions of cruor just to get one.
Congrats, screw the trolls. I got mine the same way you did. So tired of getting nothing with all procs and TH10+. Ended up doing about 6 runs solo one night and got it to drop thf/blm with no blue proc.
Grats on the achievement :) I made a ton of my own runs never to see it drop, finally got from a rng brew'ing who sold it hella cheap lol. Enjoy your forever RR !
Congrats Matt. I personally feel your pain. I finally got mine on my 134th run, so I understand how frustrating this can be. I just wanted to say congratulations on finally getting it!
I must be really lucky because after 15 runs, I have every one of his items except the Cloak. Can't say I'm eager to get that one either. Congrats on finally getting it.