And now I will no longer be able to function for the rest of the day. All I can think about is that very first La Theine party, when I had zero clue what I was doing, over 10 years ago. 10 for breaking my heart.
My first party had a bard, and I was like "THIS GUY IS PLAYING MUSIC AND GIVING US ATTACK+ AND REGEN!"
I guess I knew BRD's were important at an early level.
Aw my first char never made it to parties, but the first char that did i remember walking into the dunes like "Wow...this stuff looks tough!" and then getting hit by a gob for 45 and yelling "Holy crap 45!!"
I remember it being in the canyons and the leader was like "hey let's go to the dunes" I had no idea what he was talking about. We took the boat and while on it I remember calling in to work. 10 years ago and can still remember like it was yesterday.
I was soloing around as a level 6 War and got a tell asking if I wanted to party. Followed the leader around to Konschtat crag and fought sheep. It was in that pt I learned how to write macros. Worst part was they kept telling me to voke, and I was like no friggin way, I'll die! Oh so noob...
After that I swore off pt's for a long time and soloed up to 15 War before getting my first real pt's in the dunes as a rdm.