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Screenshots » id:69552
If you were curious if the effects stack
Score: 7.11
Votes: 28
Classification Item » Fool's Gold
Tags they do not >.<
Date Submitted 2013-02-19 09:29:44
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Comments (5)
Ragnarok.Eriina[Report] Score: 8
Thumbnail made me think you already had 2 pieces of the tri-force...
2013-02-19 18:10:36
Lakshmi.Turkish[Report] Score: 3
It seems that the Mega Moglification Goldsmith take's precedent over Moghancement: Goldsmithing and certainly does not change the message of Moghancement received. I'm unsure if there is a way to test the individual items effect seperated from the rest or if having all items adds an unknown boost. For certain all items do not change the moghancement message from the stall's message For certain you will receive Moglification: Goldsmithing from signboard and either combination of gemscope or fool's gold.
2013-02-19 10:02:10
Carbuncle.Eijj[Report] Score: 2
I see what you did there :D
2013-02-19 11:29:19
Hades.Tripster[Report] Score: 1
I got the gemscope, the stall and the signboard and stopped there because there were already some reports showing you don't need all items to get max bonus... But glad to see another person doing testings!
2013-02-19 12:01:59
Ragnarok.Ashman[Report] Score: 0
Not that your picture is a good place to discuss this but: the wiki page for the fisherman's stall had an interesting theory about the "augments" added by having multi pieces.
2013-02-19 15:11:30