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Screenshots » id:69226
Odin v2
Score: 2.89
Votes: 27
Classification Player » Glecent
Tags 2x Laeradr Breastplate
Date Submitted 2013-01-30 22:21:04
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Comments (6)
Bahamut.Wakabo[Report] Score: 13
Was expecting this to be full of drawn ***, epeen #'s or terrible MS paint edits. It just turns out to be RNG's not subbing war and using staffs.
2013-01-31 01:25:05
Bahamut.Itze[Report] Score: 8
"Increases Critical Hit Rate when wielding with the main hand only." Yeah no point in increasing your white damage / barrage numbers when you pick the wrong ranger relic.
2013-01-31 02:37:37
Quetzalcoatl.Sirtwitchalot[Report] Score: 1
I heard /RDM is a "good" Sub Job for your WHM mule.

Who gives a *** who gears in which way when we kill Odin V2 3-4 times a week in 10 mins with 15 people average (2 mules). Same results either way. Get off our LS's nutts wako and stick to 1 account to leave comments, posting from multiple accounts just make you look more pathetic.
2013-01-31 16:42:48
Quetzalcoatl.Smurfite[Report] Score: -1
2013-02-01 01:39:09
Quetzalcoatl.Suiei[Report] Score: -1
right because it totally shows them not subbing war... that's some really awesome xray vision you have there.
2013-02-27 03:57:24
Quetzalcoatl.Glecent[Report] Score: -4
I don't like the long delay of gun so I use a bow. I also prefer the mods on Namas Arrow to the ones on Coronach. I keep up with or beat Annihilator rangers at every event. I hadn't considered the extra crit rate for Barrage but otherwise I only shoot maybe twice between weapon skills at most events anyway.
2013-01-31 05:04:13