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Finally got Guard capped!
Score: 7.89
Votes: 35
Classification Player » Luckyy
Tags Guard skill
Date Submitted 2013-01-12 19:31:18
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Comments (12)
Carbuncle.Luckyy[Report] Score: 7
yeah guard is proablly one of the most underrated skills maybe you should read up on it and look at what a few mnks have to say about that "useless skill".... it took years to cap the last update helped, but still a long road
2013-01-13 14:10:46
Sylph.Staleyx[Report] Score: 5
Gratz! I need to finish mine someday
2013-01-13 16:24:22
Sylph.Lancoe[Report] Score: 4
Useless skill? judging from your comment without even looking at your character, you sir are a newb fool.
2013-01-13 13:10:20
Carbuncle.Ricekid[Report] Score: 3
Congrats man :)
2013-01-13 18:20:08
Siren.Barber[Report] Score: 3
The reason some consider it "useless" is because against mobs that are higher level, i.e. the ones where guard would help, the activation rate is pretty much floored whether your guard is capped or level 1 if you are using standard tp sets. Kind of like evasion at 75 where against sky gods it just didn't matter unless you geared specifically for it. It is a super nice stat to have blue in the menu though. If nothing else shows people are serious.
2013-01-13 20:44:56
Asura.Waldrich[Report] Score: 2
mnk isn't mnk w/o guard skill capped foo!
2013-01-13 17:57:45
Carbuncle.Brewtus[Report] Score: 1
Grats, man!

@Staleyx... if you don't have it already, get yourself a Prouesse Ring. Combine it with Saltena/Montagna and you'll have it capped in no time. 200 to cap in about 6 hours on Crabs in Aby-Grauberg
2013-01-15 14:00:35
Ragnarok.Widargelt[Report] Score: 1
It took me roughly 2 hours to get my guard from 200ish to cap on bugul noz, having a whm mule really helps.
2013-02-23 13:33:51
Asura.Myrrh[Report] Score: 0
Potentially taking half to a quarter damage from melee TP moves? USELESS INDEED.

I still don't understand why people feel the need to say negative things. Quick! Delete your comments Catassthief and Terafuck before someone sees you use your head.
2013-01-13 20:04:03
Asura.Slugman[Report] Score: 0
Guard is not underrated. Yes it has its uses and it's nice to have, but it is not a game changer and it will not make you mnk or pup into a guarding machine. Not to mention the fact that since the last update that gave you the ability to skill up guard and parry without actually guarding or parrying made it incredibly easy to skill up. As luckyy said it isn't useless, but like barber said, it is nice to have.
2013-01-14 01:30:03