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Don't hate the player...
Score: 2.68
Votes: 56
Classification Item » Dwarf Pugil
Tags Dwarf Pugil
Date Submitted 2012-12-23 15:38:11
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Comments (6)
Phoenix.Purpleeyes[Report] Score: 25
No reason to hate something that isn't impressive.
2012-12-24 05:36:53
Carbuncle.Renly[Report] Score: 11
Don't hate when not one of them there pugils catches you a matsya...
2012-12-24 06:14:55
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard[Report] Score: 1
change of thought: each try has 25% chance of bait (benefit of the doubt)
1: 25% 2: 6.25% 3: 1.6%
4: 0.4% 5: 0.1%
four in a row is roughly at common as getting an ebisu item, 5 in a row is 4x as rare.
2012-12-24 18:14:38
Asura.Originalkord[Report] Score: -3
I have had this happen too, only to be offset on subsequent trades that yielded no bait.

If this is an accomplishment to you then....grats?...
2012-12-24 08:01:17
Sylph.Binckry[Report] Score: -4
Players laugh at you more than hate you doe.
2012-12-24 14:50:03
Odin.Cindro[Report] Score: -6
That's pretty common with those. Catching the Matsya, however, is much less common.
2012-12-24 05:47:30