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I got bored in class... so drew my 3 favorite jobs /hurray (It's a Rabbit)
Score: 5.77
Votes: 52
Classification Player » Curty
Tags Professional Artwork
Date Submitted 2012-12-03 14:22:23
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Comments (14)
Ramuh.Scizor[Report] Score: 22
That tag is genius, have you ever thought of selling your work in a gallery?
2012-12-03 15:02:53
Fenrir.Thandar[Report] Score: 21
Outstanding use of shading, I feel as if I was there.

2012-12-03 16:21:44
Leviathan.Kincard[Report] Score: 16
explains why people in this game are so bad at basic economics i guess
2012-12-03 16:01:17
Quetzalcoatl.Chocobits[Report] Score: 6
Impressive artwork! You really captured the look of malice on that hairy leaping leprechaun. The Daedric knight firing the Getsuga Tenshou at the manged porcupine was especially thought provoking. And finally, the mutant nazi zombie with a blunderbuss grafted onto his right hand and a spiky tentacle left hand really blew my mind.
2012-12-03 20:33:28
Sylph.Kuwoobie[Report] Score: 3
Thousands of years from now, archaeologists will find this drawing.
2012-12-03 22:33:06
Fenrir.Curty[Report] Score: 0
Special prize goes to the person that can name the 3 jobs, 3 weaponskills, and 5 weapons in this picture!
Duve: 6/11!
Tidus: 10/11
Proth: 11/11

Congratulationg Proth, you have won a complementary drawing that will be uploaded soon.
2012-12-08 12:35:54
Bahamut.Oakozric[Report] Score: -1
You should have had a whm casting haste for the Time Series.

2012-12-08 09:13:07
Fenrir.Ximph[Report] Score: -2
It's a porcupine rabbit with a condom on its head!
2012-12-04 19:24:21
Fenrir.Duvelamilla[Report] Score: -2
Nin, Cor, Sam, Blade: Hi. Wildfire,Resoltion, Kannagi, Kioku. Armageddon, Coruscanti, Ragnarok
2012-12-03 22:21:24
Lakshmi.Ashido[Report] Score: -2
i thought that was batman with a sword.
2012-12-04 02:53:20