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l'Cie Brand with an implant in the centre
Score: 3.60
Votes: 81
Classification Player » Crawlerbasher
Tags l'Cie Brand Implant
Date Submitted 2012-11-05 22:11:56
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Comments (13)
Leviathan.Crawlerbasher[Report] Score: 15
that's the only Final Fantasy tattoo I have at the moment, but would like a few more.

And when I'm 70 and wrinkly, I'd be too old to give a ***...
2012-11-06 01:37:27
Cerberus.Deadplaything[Report] Score: 12
Well when he is 70 he will be in Falcie form so you wont see the ink.
2012-11-05 23:35:14
Shiva.Shirukenu[Report] Score: 7
It'll be wrinkly just like the rest of him when he's 70, so who cares?
Enjoy your tattoo.
2012-11-06 00:27:03
Sylph.Quiznor[Report] Score: 6
Is your focus to bash crawlers?
2012-11-05 23:19:13
Bahamut.Bekisa[Report] Score: 3
tattoo's tell a story of ones lift generally -- what you were doing or what you enjoyed at the time in your life. I'd imagine all of us here should be getting a FF tattoo at some point!

I got 6 -- I look forward to the day I'm 70 and can tell my grandchildren about my wrinkly! tattoos.
2012-11-06 19:50:33
Valefor.Raekomi[Report] Score: 2
What is your Eidolon? =P
2012-11-07 16:35:39
Ragnarok.Cryxus[Report] Score: 1
nice tatt dude and dont mind drayco retarded *** i notice he never has nothing good to say. get a life u tool
2012-11-06 17:18:24
Fenrir.Othilda[Report] Score: 1
That's cool! Never seen an implant before. How is that done? Like a piercing?...Time to google lol.
2012-11-06 20:50:36
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] Score: 1
Looks great man! I want to get a tattoo myself, but not exactly sure what.
2012-11-07 12:03:14
Bahamut.Touvan[Report] Score: 0
Very nice, do you have any other FF related ink?
2012-11-05 23:32:28