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Screenshots » id:68096
1/6 not bad
Score: 4.14
Votes: 29
Classification Player » Unleashedz
Tags hecatomb cap +1
Date Submitted 2012-10-30 23:15:54
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Comments (8)
Carbuncle.Rauni[Report] Score: 2
wow warslane, you're rustling jimmies
2012-10-31 21:08:12
Cerberus.Ryand[Report] Score: -1
Lol war.... So apparently when your on a job you can only have gear relevant to that job on you and in invent space...failga
2012-11-01 12:59:14
Ragnarok.Fasaga[Report] Score: -2
broke *** dude, 27M? we need more clears
2012-10-31 14:22:14
Fenrir.Mtmoogle[Report] Score: -3
Yea, Warslane is right. He should use a Pole grip on THF...
2012-10-31 16:17:30
Ragnarok.Taereon[Report] Score: -3
Nice, I haven't been on in months but glad to see the same shouts on the server.
2012-10-31 15:32:32
Lakshmi.Tygur[Report] Score: -5
why do you have to be a douche trying to troll, who gives a $($*# why she has a uthers grip, its not equpped is it? STFU GET LOST~
2012-10-31 08:34:17
Bismarck.Rorien[Report] Score: -8
not bad ive got int 5 lol atk 8 da 4
2012-10-31 02:11:14
Carbuncle.Warslane Show Score: -31
Why do you have an Uther's Grip?
2012-10-31 01:10:15