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Screenshots » id:68078
Darkness Glowing on Adflictio Scythe
Score: 5.28
Votes: 36
Classification Item » Adflictio
Tags Adflictio Scythe
Date Submitted 2012-10-28 19:11:19
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Comments (6)
Ragnarok.Quantril[Report] Score: 12
It would look cooler if the WHOLE weapon was just a darkness glow and you couldnt tell it was made of 'materials'!(like the whole weapon was elemental)
2012-10-28 22:06:13
Ragnarok.Tuvae[Report] Score: 2
@Quantril. Soul Reaver!
2012-10-29 04:38:31
Fenrir.Calamity[Report] Score: 2
Darkness... Glowing?
2013-02-13 01:00:56
Valefor.Esdain[Report] Score: 1
Badass lookin' kitty.
2012-10-29 07:24:18
Leviathan.Jackieolivas[Report] Score: 1
Soul Reaver... I loved those games so damn much.

I really wish they hadn't scrapped the concept of being able to charge the Reaver with any element. The basic concept persists with the Fire Reaver, but all the rest went the way of the dinosaur and could only be accessed with cheats. Damn shame.
2012-10-29 08:07:58
Sylph.Knala[Report] Score: -1
that'd probably cause peeps trouble much like conflux do... not that it wouldnt be cool
2012-10-29 00:43:55