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Screenshots » id:67453
Score: 7.07
Votes: 60
Classification Player » Tigerwoods
Date Submitted 2012-09-07 07:15:55
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Comments (12)
Ragnarok.Hevans[Report] Score: 53
Doesn't matter which you vote for. they are both in capsule corp's pocket.
2012-09-07 15:36:13
Asura.Res[Report] Score: 19
2012-09-07 15:16:06
Ragnarok.Yakutatazu[Report] Score: 18
Why pick between them? Just vote for Vegetto!
2012-09-07 17:39:20
Fenrir.Camiie[Report] Score: 13
Screw that! I'm voting for the Green Party! Piccolo for President!
2012-09-07 18:18:00
Siren.Novadragon[Report] Score: 11
Vegeta's Law: Martial Art training everyday in heavy gravity.
2012-09-07 14:27:05
Valefor.Sirnugget[Report] Score: 9
Forget them, I'm voting for Gohan.
2012-09-07 16:29:38
Bahamut.Vagrua[Report] Score: 7
Hmm, Goku seems like the kind of character that would make lots of promises to the public and never live up to them. Vegeta is the candidate that would get stuff done.
2012-09-07 14:48:16
Ragnarok.Ravant[Report] Score: 6
2012-09-07 17:09:04
Odin.Sheelay[Report] Score: 1
Red Ribbon or GTFO
2012-09-07 19:46:54
Cerberus.Cloudkiller[Report] Score: 1
Why torture yourself trying to pick between the two? Just have them fuse into Gogeta. Everyone wins!
2012-09-07 20:05:14