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Ninja lot by Lifeless on Tessera saio
Score: 3.85
Votes: 27
Classification Player » Sicflip
Date Submitted 2012-07-21 09:10:40
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Comments (6)
Phoenix.Darkreaper[Report] Score: 9
Funny how Phoenix's notoriously worst apoc ever who from what I hear stole a bank to make it is the one posting about losing a body piece
2012-07-21 18:30:00
Asura.Patriclis[Report] Score: 2
He was there and did just as much work as you, so in all honesty it really isn't so much a ninja lot as it is "I called dibs and he took it first, /cry"
2012-07-21 11:54:14
Bahamut.Bojack[Report] Score: 0
Is it possible he didn't know what /seacom is and put his choice in his Bazaar comment? I've had people who have done this before.
2012-07-21 13:52:08
Bismarck.Hsieh[Report] Score: 0
What you expect from a pick up PW run really.
2012-07-21 15:35:03
Bismarck.Helel[Report] Score: 0
Possible he dc'd too. Seems odd that he would argue he did have a /seacom up when he didn't. It's not like it's hard to check.
2012-07-21 19:31:12
Phoenix.Sicflip[Report] Score: -3
He was the one that made the shout group and after all 3 cats he said to /seacom and tell him the item we want. only 1 item.
2012-07-21 15:10:50