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Somehow the bridge held up
Score: 4.71
Votes: 24
Classification Player » Tiddys
Tags Flockbock
Date Submitted 2012-07-09 20:07:57
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Comments (6)
Ragnarok.Jessikah[Report] Score: 18
In 5 seconds, you need to activate Flee and run past it. The sheer weight of you being a galka should be the last straw for that bridge, and you'll be off of it before it collapses.

2012-07-09 20:29:25
Asura.Tiddys[Report] Score: 17
its pronounced fun bags.
2012-07-09 23:03:56
Fenrir.Flamm[Report] Score: 13
Is your name supposed to be "Tidus" or "Titties"?
2012-07-09 22:37:05
Quetzalcoatl.Moonsshadow[Report] Score: 3
Tig o biddies?
2012-07-10 08:24:00
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 3
I need to introduce my friends on Cerberus to you, maybe then they will stop calling me titties.
2012-07-11 06:07:03
Alexander.Shazo[Report] Score: 1
You must correctly solve the Ram's Riddle if you wish to pass this bridge.
2012-07-15 09:05:11