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I know I'm showing off but I'm proud of the work I've put in...
Score: 5.46
Votes: 78
Classification Player » Malekith
Tags Malekith, BLM
Date Submitted 2012-06-29 19:57:22
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Comments (9)
Leviathan.Lockonn[Report] Score: 24
Now you just need to wait for content ur not just a proc person for..
2012-06-29 23:40:25
Asura.Malekith[Report] Score: 3
Thanks for the input guys...

Re: Belt slot - I'm slowly rolling over AH items for rare/ex stuff. It's all just a matter of seeing stuff drop.

Re: the ammo item - No way I'm paying 3M for Sachet just for the +2 MAC? It'd be an upgrade purely for vanity and that's not high in my priority list right now. As for the tathlum... 4 INT/ 2 Conserve MP > 2 MAB?

Re: Galdr - I'd love one! Thing is I'm 0/5 on Yilbegan, I keep getting the fracking NQ! ; ; Is there a particular area the HQ spawns (with his shadow) more so than any one place or is it all random?
2012-06-30 15:19:19
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: 0
your insain'
2012-06-30 09:50:30
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] Score: -1
This guy knows how to play BLM properly.
2012-07-01 14:30:29
Quetzalcoatl.Absolutezero[Report] Score: -1
and replace witchstone with memoria satchet, cause you know, dat magic accuracy...
2012-06-29 23:18:56
Siren.Stunx[Report] Score: -1
very nice lol. cept the AH items dont look like they belong lol.
2012-06-30 12:13:14
Sylph.Takitu[Report] Score: -1
You should've made the mythic instead!
2012-06-30 20:41:12
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard[Report] Score: -2
Icesoul for Galdr
Oneiros for Othila, Maniacus, or Wanion
Witchsash for Memoria Sachet or Ombre Tathlum
and you're golden.
<3 the nares
2012-06-30 13:36:33
Ragnarok.Nyanye[Report] Score: -2
4int/2conserve MP vs. 2 MAB
let's try thunder 1 and 5
thunder(assuming the mob is tough enough for int to matter at all):[60+dINT]xMAB/MDB (skipping all elements that are the same throughout)
Thunder V: [874+(dINTx2.3)]xMAB
from your stated gear you have
base INT+40 & MAB=40+71(waist obi)
haven't played for a couple weeks so don't remember blm99 base int, let's say 100. diminishing returns and i think this is a highball # so probably less. and 2 different mobs, 1 with 100 int and the other w/ 140 int.
T:210dmg witchsash(+71MAB)(40dINT)
T:126dmg witchsash(+71MAB)(0dINT)
T:217dmg Ombre(+69MAB)(44dINT)
T:133dmg Ombre(+69MAB)(4dINT)
T5:2038dmg witchsash(+71MAB)(40dINT)
T5:1844dmg witchsash(+71MAB)(0dINT)
T5:2038dmg Ombre(+69MAB)(44dINT)
T5:1845dmg Ombre(+69MAB)(4dINT)

With your equipment, it should always perform at least = to the 2int=1mab gestimation, and the tougher the mob, the better it'll perform. as mentioned earlier, once dINT caps on a mob, stacking more int is
2012-07-03 11:59:23